Friday 1 July 2011

The injunctions

As mentioned in one of my earlier posts, my ex-wife's boyfriend (now husband) is under investigation by the police for child sexual abuse (Section 377E Penal Code).

At one time my children complained that he had hit them in the past. It happaned when my then wife (when I was still married to her) took them out on dates with him. I was rather concerned but I needed proof.

My ex-wife and her boyfriend got married in May 2010.

After they got married, naturally my ex-wife took the children home (during visitations) to stay with her and her new husband. As expected, I was worried. My worry turned out to be a nightmare when my daughter complained that her step father let her see him naked.

My family and I were worried sick. I was faced with the situation where my ex-wife brings my children home to stay with a guy who is under investigation for child sexual abuse and he subsequently lets himself be seen naked by my daughter. Should I just keep quiet and hope for the best and that nothing will happen? Or shall I do something about it?

After lengthy discussions with my legal counsels, we then decided to obtain an injunction on grounds of safety for the children. On 14 October 2010, the Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah Selangor di Shah Alam granted the said injunction.

Natural a guy with such an unsavory character and with something to hide (well... loads actually) would be extremely illusive. The injunction was finally served on him sometime around 3rd November 2010.

I have absolutely no words to describe the events that followed. It was probably one of the most ridiculous short term brain-disengagaed knee-jerk rection one could have ever undertaken. Till today I am still in a state of shock!

About 4 days after being served with the injunction order, my ex-wife and her husband started to make video recordings of HIS two children (from his previous marriage with his 2nd ex-wife). In the videos, the eldest of the two (5 years old at that time) was seen guided by the guy asking the boy to say that
  • my mum had molested the boy;
  • the boy's mum (the guy's 2nd ex-wife), my mum and I were practicing black magic; and
  • the boy's mum, my mum and I constantly taught him to say that the guy had molested him.
In another video, the youngest of the two (3 years old at that time) was filmed by my ex-wife, naked from waist down, with an erection and saying "nenek buat... nenek buat".

I wish I can display the videos here to show how blatantly obvious that the whole thing was doctored. The poor children were inconsistent with their answers and had to be blatantly guided to produce the (prejudicial) answers that my ex-wife and her husband wanted. Look at the timing too! How is it that these events were to "suddenly" surface out of the blue after the injunction was served on him? Come on lah! Who are you trying to kid here?

On 15 November 2010, the guy
  1. used the videos in his application to set aside the injunction; and
  2. lodged a police report against my mum.
Once again, we were hauled up and had to make several trips to IPD Shah Alam to have our statements taken.

It didn't stop there.

At the end of November 2010, my ex-wife did exactly the same thing... but this time on my two children. Her own flesh and blood!

My 6 year old son was interviewed on video (by my ex-wife) naked on bed and being asked to play with his private parts and describing how my mum purportedly touched his genetials.

My ex-wife swiftly brought my children and the video to a child psychiatrist. Being an experienced child psychiatrist, she immediately knew it was all fabricated and gave my ex-wife a good telling off.

Not satisfied with that, my ex-wife lodged a police report against my mum. That was the second time she did that against my mum, alleging the same offence. I was told that the police could see that it was all fabricated and was reluctant to open up an investigation paper. My ex-wife was obviously unhappy and proceeded to lodged a complaint with the Inspector General of the Police. The police had no choice but to reopen the case.

At the same time, the guy filed in another affidavit enclosing pictures and copies of the videos of my children and at the same time applied for an ex-parte injunction to
  1. prohibit me and my mum from seeing his children; and
  2. prohibit his 2nd ex-wife from bringing his children to see me and my mum
The injuction was on grounds that
  1. my mum had purportedly assaulted him in public;
  2. my mum had purportedly molested his children;
  3. my mum and I had purportedly brain washed his children to despise him;
  4. I had purportedly engaged in sexual activities with his 2nd ex-wife in front of his children; and
  5. his 2nd ex-wife, my mum and I had practiced black magic
Sadly, and ridiculously, the injunction was granted in January 2011.

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